- Support of Thunderbird 128
- Support of Thunderbird 115
- New versions of adb are bundled with BirdieSync
- Support of Thunderbird 102
Thunderbird contact management has strongly evolved in version 102. It now allows to create several phone numbers, address and web site urls of the same type (Home, Work, etc.).
For now BirdieSync only synchronizes a unique contact field of type Home or Work as it was available in previous versions of Thunderbird. Phone numbers, addresses and web site URLS with "None" type are not synchronized. This should evolve in the future but will require important changes of BirdieSync in all sources.
Because of evolution of contact fields in Thunderbird, the old second line of address in Thunderbird 91 is no longer synchronized to the mobile devices. This line is automatically transfered to the "Extended address" field when updating Thunderbird 91 to Thunderbird 102. So it is recommended to manually modify Thunderbird contacts and move the content of the "Extended address" to the "Street address" field
You may have a look at BirdieSync History view to see contacts which have been synchronized after Thunderbird and BirdieSync update, and which may require adding "Extended address" to "Street address" field.
Because of all these evolutions. although BirdieSync has been heavily tested, it is recommended to backup your data.
- When using another draft folder than the default one, it could be impossible to save mails in this folder
- An unexpected error could be displayed if a window was displayed before Thunderbird had fully started
- An error message could be displayed incorrectly mentioning that BirdieSync extension was disabled in Thunderbird
- If a proxy was enabled in Windows settings, BirdieSync server could not listen on port and could fail to start
- BirdieSync add-on in Thunderbird could not connect to BirdieSync server with a hostname as server address
- Creation of synchronized events could fail in a Google calendar in Thunderbird
- Starting with Thunderbird 91.0.2, BirdieSync add-on could not be installed nor started
- Support of Thunderbird 91
Password set in BirdieSync settings in Thundebird when connecting from another PC may have to be entered again
- First letter of password typed in BirdieSync settings in Thunderbird could be ignored
- Reading performances of contacts in Thunderbird has been improved (Combine synchronization mode may be 2 times faster)
- If another process uses BirdieSync ports, the path of this process is now displayed in the error message
- Windows port range exclusion is now dumped
- In configuration dumping, synchronized folders better references source folders
- Server could exit right after the connection of Thunderbird add-on after it has been updated
- If "Force randomization for images (Mandatory ASLR)" was set ON in Windows Settings, installer could crash
- If Thunderbird was launched through a mailto hyperlink, BirdieSync add-on could fail to start
- If server cannot listen on port to manage "Find BirdieSync server" requests, an error is now displayed
- BirdieSync could display wrong folders to synchronize when executed through Wine on Linux
- Icons are now scaled on high dpi screens
- Server could exit with an error message if asked to quit while log archiver was opened
- BirdieSync sources could not connect to local BirdieSync server
- If Thunderbird Master password was enabled and asked right after the start, BirdieSync failed to initialize with an unexpected error
Caution: It is necessary to reset synchronization of contacts because of internal evolutions in Thunderbird. A warning is displayed at first startup.
- Support of Thunderbird 78
- BirdieSync add-on User Interface had to be fully rewritten because of underlying Thunderbird technologies changes
Fixes:6 nov 2019
- If a proxy was globally set on Windows, BirdieSync server could fail to start mentioning that it was not possible to listen on server port.
- The number of items displayed in task calendar list was incorrect
- No more warning in logs if profile path is a network path
- Explicit error messages are now displayed if BirdieSync extension is disabled in Thunderbird
- First screen of "Getting started" was not localized in French
Bug corrections
- Server could exit in case of reconnection of a source
- Setup and executable files are now signed
Bug corrections
- Under rare circumstances, synchronization could stop with an unexpected error
- BirdieSync could exit when executing Windows Mobile wizard after a new source connected
- "Do not display again" checkbox was ignored in warning messages
- Pocket outlook appointments with a busy status set to Outlook "Working elsewhere" failed to synchronize with an "unexpected error"
- Only older dumps were retrieved when archiving logs
- Support of Thunderbird 68.x
Bug corrections
- BirdieSync server could hang
- Under rare circumstances, synchronization could stop with an unexpected error
- In some specific circumstances, BirdieSync server could exit
- If an Android device was very quickly disconnected and reconnected, the server could possibly not handle properly the reconnection
- Android devices sharing the same serial number could not be distinguished when connected via USB
- If the Android device was plugged via USB while booting or quickly disconnected and reconnected, an error message mentioning that BirdieSync app was not installed could be incorrectly displayed
Bug corrections
- If a conflict happened while two synchronized folders were not created yet in other sources, server could exit while trying to resolve it
- If a more recent version of Runtime Package was already installed on the PC, installation could fail with a 1638 error
- If a unique Google calendar was selected to be synchronized, events could fail to be read until a restart of Thunderbird
- Windows Mobile 2003 devices could not connect to server
Bug corrections
- Combining iPhone and other source contacts differing in additional spaces at start or end of phone numbers could lead to duplicates
- Creating a new user during synchronization could lead BirdieSync to exit
- Editing another user than those of the sources being synchronized, could lead BirdieSync to exit
- Selecting another user than those of the sources being synchronized, could lead menu to edit or remove this user to be incorrectly greyed out
- Description of source connection parameters could be truncated when displayed inside a wizard
- User edition window may be too small in height
Bug corrections
- On some platforms, synchronization could fail with an unexpected error
- Double clicking on a source in Configuration view could make BirdieSync server exit
Caution: If using a mobile device running Android 8.0 or later with BirdieSync app or later, it is recommended to update to this version for a better user experience
Caution: Like Thunderbird 60, BirdieSync no longer supports Windows XP and Vista
- If a too old or too recent version of Thunderbird is detected, a more explicit error message is now displayed
- When an Android device is plugged via USB, server can now start BirdieSync Service on Android 8.0 with new app version
- If History contains a high amount of entries, program initialization and exit, and synchronization performances are now better
- Synchronization database is now regularly backuped in the rare case a problem could occur with it
- Previous "Phone" account is now called "No account" to avoid possible confusion with other real "Phone" or "Device" manufacturer account
- LG local contact account is now identified and recommended
- LG "Phone" calendar is now identified and set as Main by default
- If only one account is available in Wizard to declare a new source, it is now automatically selected
- A new version of adb is bundled with BirdieSync
- Use of more recent underlying technologies
- BirdieSync requires less storage space for installation
- Updates in documentation and adaptation to light HTML rendering engine
Bug corrections
- If too many configurations errors were displayed, BirdieSync could get out of memory and crash
- Under some specific circumstances, BirdieSync server could crash when connecting a source
- If Thunderbird profile was installed on a network path, connection could fail with an unexpected error
- When an Android device was plugged via USB, with Android 8.0+ and adb 1.0.32 or earlier, BirdieSync service was not detected as running
- If access authorization was not granted on a specific content, synchronization of other content could stop and however be displayed as fully synchronized
- If contact or event access authorization was not granted on Android device and no account was present, the Next button could remain greyed out in Wizard to declare new source
- In case of a USB connection, Next button was not greyed out first time in Wizard to declare new source if no default contact account was selected
- Samsung "My calendar" is now properly identified and set as Main by default
- Installer could stop if access to a Windows registry entry for installed programs was denied
Bug corrections
- Because of a problem with Thunderbird cache, BirdieSync add-on could display an unexpected error, the first time Thunderbird was launched after the update
Bug corrections
- Thunderbird could randomly disconnect from server while synchronizing
- Even if automatic connection was disabled, Thunderbird attempted to connect to server at launch
- Support of Thunderbird 60.0
- Support of Thunderbird 64 bits
- Compatibility with Wine (2.0 minimum) on Linux with reduced functionalities (caution: compatibility and support not guaranteed)
Caution: Thunderbird 60 no longer supports Windows XP and Vista
Bug corrections
- Error message mentioning that the calendar was disabled did not display the name of the calendar
Bug corrections
- In assistant, if a new source was declared with group virtual folders, multiple folders was selected even if all the other sources were configured with a unique folder
- In assistant, in case of multiple folder configuration, if the default account currently selected was not changed, and was different from the default account selected before the assistant was launched, then the main folder was not properly enabled if selected to be synchronized
- In assistant, when sharing a folder between several users, configuration errors may be incorrectly displayed
- In Thunderbird, when a contact was created or modified, the category field was not set
- Specific errors are now displayed when an Android device is connected via USB and BirdieSync app is not installed, not launched, not running or stopped by the user
- Some modifications when connecting Android device via USB
- When generating log archive, button to generate log archive is now properly greyed out
- IP addresses displayed in bottom status bar could be truncated
- In operation preview window, the account is no longer be displayed in case of account virtual folder mode
- Assistants are now available to quickly and easily configure synchronization in a simplified way, reset synchronization and share folders between users
- With Android devices, it is now possible to enable a folder which doesn't exist in the default account, even if a folder with the same name exists in another account
- It is now possible to remove Main status of a Main folder without setting another folder as Main
- When time zones are different, instructions are now given in error message on how to set it in source
- User or password mismatch error is now split into two distinct errors
- In case of password mismatch error, it is now suggested to change the user password in server configuration
- In various configuration errors, it is now offered to use the assistant
- Preview operations settings are now traced
- If commit fails on mobile device, committed items are now dumped
Bug corrections
- If Thunderbird was running in several windows after clicking on "Move to New Window" on a tab, BirdieSync add-on could repeatedly reconnect to the server and disconnect
- A contact with an empty photo could fail to synchronize on Windows Mobile device
- Android USB connections are now serialized when several devices are simultaneously connected
- Quick Android USB disconnection and reconnection (when user changes protocol over USB) is now better handled
- If Android USB connection is detected as Unauthorized, wait some time for the authorization
- Old History entries were only removed after 1 day running
- Regular detection of new Wi-Fi networks could cause the server to unnecessarily consume CPU
- If a lot of IP addresses are available on the PC, they are now truncated in the bottom status bar
- If a single content was selected to be synchronized among the connected sources, the status could remain in "Preparing" state
- If a source connected via USB was removed, it remained displayed connected in Synchronization view until being unplugged
- If a user was removed, sources remained displayed connected in Synchronization view
- If a source was removed, source errors remained displayed in Errors view
- If several users were created, vertical space could be present in source list when switching user
- If a source was renamed with a shorter name, source column size was not shrinked
- Allow traces to not being truncated when dumping non ASCII characters
Bug corrections
- An Android source connected via USB could remain on "Connected", failing to list address books and calendars
Bug corrections
- The modification of a virtual folder (Whole source or No group) could fail
- If the modification of a folder failed, in "Failures" view, the button to delete the selected folder was enabled
- BirdieSync Help content might not display
- Under rare circumstances, BirdieSync could exit at start
Version beta 4
Caution: This version requires at least version of apps for Android and for iPhone
This new version may lead to the resynchronization of additional items at first synchronization
Bug corrections
- Synchronization of recurring event with a single occurrence and no recurrence rule is now supported
- BirdieSync add-on is now isolated from other Thunderbird add-ons to avoid possible conflicts
- If an unexpected error occurred, the instructions displayed to generate a log archive were incorrect
Version beta 3
Caution: This new version may lead to the resynchronization of additional items at first synchronization
Bug corrections
- In Thunderbird, monthly or yearly events with week day instance (2nd thursday of the month for instance) could be incorrectly synchronized in some specific cases
- Listing of Thunderbird address books with non local address books could fail
- When synchronizing more than 2 sources, under specific circumstances synchronization could fail with an unexpected error
- For server and Thunderbird, the description of an all day event now only displays the date and no time
- When Thunderbird profile path could not be found, the source name is now displayed in the error message
- Icon is now displayed in Thunderbird add-on list
Version beta 2
Caution: This new version may lead to the resynchronization of additional items at first synchronization
Bug corrections
- When synchronizing more than 2 sources, under specific circumstances synchronization could fail with an unexpected error
- When updating from a previous version, BirdieSync Thunderbird add-on could fail to connect to server with an incorrect password
- BirdieSync Thunderbird add-on could fail to initialize and display an unexpected error
- A warning message is now displayed when BirdieSync toolbar elements cannot be accessed in Thunderbird
- Listing of items in Thunderbird could fail with an unexpected error
- BirdieSync Thunderbird add-on could repetitively reconnect to server
- Events and tasks with null fields could fail to synchronize in Thunderbird
- Thunderbird preferences were not properly added in log archive
- Some operation traces are now more explicit
Version beta 1
Caution: Due to important changes in Mozilla core technology on which Thunderbird is based, it was necessary to fully rewrite BirdieSync add-on in Thunderbird.
Although this new add-on was heavily tested, it is highly recommended to backup your data.
For more security, the preview of operations to be performed during synchronization was enabled again.
- Support of Thunderbird 52.x & Lightning 5.4.x
- New BirdieSync add-on in Thunderbird
- A checkbox was added in the Preview of operations window to easily disable it
- Source column can now display a scroll bar if necessary
Bug corrections
- Some slight improvements to enhance USB connections of Android device
- If an item could not be read, BirdieSync could crash when displaying the list of items in the selected folder
- If an item was modified on several sources, leading to a conflict, and could not be read, synchronization displayed an unexpected error
- BirdieSync could display an unexpected error when connecting a source under specific circumstances
- BirdieSync could display an unexpected error when removing a source with mappings with "No folder"
- BirdieSync uninstaller could not find the temporary path directory
Bug corrections
- BirdieSync exited when pressing the button to clean the history
- Under some circumstances, changing the permission or the synchronization mode of a content could lead BirdieSync to exit
- Read only status of folder in source is now recorded even if source is disconnected
- Various user interface enhancements regarding license upgrade
- It's now possible to drag and drop the license in main or license window
Bug corrections
- When Thunderbird was started by BirdieSync, clicking on a hyperlink to be opened in Firefox could lead to the error "Firefox is already running but is not responding".
Note that this problem can still occur if another instance of Thunderbird with a different profile is running.
- If Thunderbird contact, event or task notes had spaces or carriage returns, duplicates could be created after reseting the synchronization and combining items again
- USB connection could fail when connecting simultaneously several Android sources via USB
- BirdieSync could crash due to folder list update
- BirdieSync could crash when modifying the folder configuration
- Under rare circumstances, it could not be possible to declare or edit a Thunderbird source
- Account icon is now displayed in folder configuration window
- Tooltip balloon is now properly displayed on menu
- Source removing is now quicker
- Log archiving process is no longer interrupted if a problem occurs with a specific file
- Support of Thunderbird 45.x & Lightning 4.7.x
Bug corrections
- Synchronization could fail with an unexpected error
- Support of Thunderbird 45.x & Lightning 4.7.x
Bug corrections
- If virtual folder mode was set to "Whole source", after being created on the source, an item could be incorrectly considered as deleted
- If synchronization frequency was updated, its new value could be only taken into account after a restart of BirdieSync server
Bug corrections
- BirdieSync server could crash when trying to reconnect to BirdieSync app via USB
- When displaying a new version ready for update, it could be incorrectly mentioned as not compatible with currently installed version of Thunderbird
- BirdieSync could display assertion error message instead of generating a crash dump and displaying a generic error message
- Additional network and Android information is now included in the log archive
Bug corrections
- BirdieSync server could crash when disconnecting from an unknown source
- BirdieSync system tray icon was not removed when BirdieSync server exited
- At Windows session logging, BirdieSync may be started not minimized
- adb process could crash at Windows session ending
- A new version of adb is bundled with BirdieSync
- A warning message is now displayed when a new version of Thunderbird is up to be released or released, not compatible with current version of BirdieSync
- Network traces are added if "Find server" or hostname resolution fails
Bug corrections
- BirdieSync server could crash when editing a user
- If several calendars were synchronized, reading events in Google calendars could fail
- BirdieSync could not detect an Android device plugged via USB if an unknown version of adb was running
- When Android device was plugged via USB, BirdieSync might not detect the disconnection
- If BirdieSync is disconnected while plugged via USB, it tries to establish again the connection (requires BirdieSync app
- If BirdieSync app is not running while plugged via USB, it is launched again (requires BirdieSync app
- Especially on Windows XP, BirdieSync could fail detecting the running version of adb
- Help could not be opened on Windows XP
- On Windows Mobile, if a specific item could not be read, other items could be considered as deleted
- In some specific circumstances regarding postal address, combining Android and Thunderbird contacts could lead to duplicates
- French translation
Bug corrections
- Various text fixes
- "Getting started" wizard was not properly sized
Bug corrections
- Thunderbird could crash when listing mail folders
Bug corrections
- Windows Mobile devices could not connect to BirdieSync server
Bug corrections
- When option to remove duplicates was enabled, if configuration errors were present and a folder needed to be created, synchronization could fail with an unexpected error
- Listing mail folders in Thunderbird is now quicker
- Information was added in configuration dump
- If a space was unintentionally added at the beginning or end of the user name, it no longer leads to a user name and password error at source connection
- A summary of operations to be performed during synchronization is now logged
Bug corrections
- If a past synchronization period was set for mails, mails could be created empty
- If a unique mail folder needed to be created and synchronized, synchronization of mails could then fail with an unexpected error.
- If a mail folder needed to be created with 2 new sub-folders, they could be inverted in the path.
- When more than 2 sources were declared, BirdieSync could exit with an unexpected error while synchronizing
- Option to not start BirdieSync when logged in was lost when BirdieSync was started
Caution: Some specific events or tasks in Thunderbird with modified or deleted occurrences could be considered as modified and synchronized again to other sources
Bug corrections:
- iPhone events on iCloud could be considered as different when combined at first synchronization with similar events in other sources, leading to duplicates
- On Windows Mobile daily events which were falling outside the past synchronization period could be considered as deleted
- If an external monitor was plugged, BirdieSync could possibly not detect USB connection of an Android device
- Identical events or tasks on different sources with modified or deleted occurrences could be considered as different when combined at first synchronization, leading to duplicates
- An item falling outside the synchronization period, with option to delete items outside enabled, could be deleted at each synchronization, although already deleted
- When declaring a new source, wizard could hang on
- If log archiver could not copy a file (access denied for instance), it displayed an unexpected error
- Special characters in installer were not displayed properly
- Error message mentioning that the Windows Mobile version was too recent has been updated
- Message about end of evaluation period has been updated
- The message mentioning that contact or calendar access was not granted on iPhone has been updated
I'm very happy to announce that BirdieSync 3.0 is now available !

Support of new version of Thunderbird
- Support of Thunderbird 38.x and embedded Lightning 4.0.
New synchronization engine:
- Mobile devices can be synchronized independently from Thunderbird
- It's possible to synchronize with Thunderbird installed on a remote PC
- Synchronization operations can be previewed before they are performed
- Connection to BirdieSync server can be automatic
- Address book and calendar names and colors are now synchronized
- In case of conflicts, the differences between the items is displayed
- At first synchronization, identical items present on both devices don't need to be transfered to get synchronized
- At first synchronization, in case of problem, the synchronization resumes where it was stopped to avoid creating duplicates
New configuration:
- Configuration is more flexible and centralized in one place in BirdieSync
- Different synchronization settings can be selected for each device and user
- It's possible to preview the content of an address book or calendar
- Address books or calendars with different names can be synchronized together
- Mobile devices can be synchronized in read only mode
- Thunderbird content can be replaced with mobile devices one
- Address book and calendars can be shared between different users
- Virtual address books and calendars can be mapped to either the whole mobile device, accounts or groups
- Android drivers installed on the PC can be listed
- IP addresses of the server are listed and detailed
- Guides are available to help you install or configure BirdieSync
New User Interface:
- The User Interface was redesigned
- A toolbar is present in Thunderbird to launch synchronization
- History entries have different colors for more clarity
- Alerts are unobstrusive
And more...
Consult this link for more information about new features in BirdieSync 3.0:
Future developments:
This version has a lot of changes compared to version 2.x, bringing new features and more flexibility. But it may take some time to get used to the new way of configuring synchronization. BirdieSync will continue to evolve and see how to make this process easier.
BirdieSync is still in English at the moment.