Mail sync

If you dream about having BirdieSync casting your horoscope, this is the place to ask for it...
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Post by Bing »

I was very happy to know now birdiesync synchronize mail with thunderbird, but...

It synch principal account only!
I dont' use this generic account because I use many separate mail address...
Can you work for this, please?

Thank you!

PS. I'm not able to write English like you can see, but I can read English very well...
If you want I can traslate Birdiesync in Italian for you! :)

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Post by Birdy »

Sorry I am not sure to understand. What do you mean by "it synch principal account only". Are you talking about the mobile ? Because on Thunderbird, it is supposed to synchronize all mail accounts. But it is true that all these mails are synchronized with ActiveSync account on the mobile.

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Post by tompouce »

salut birdy,
même problème chez moi, je ne peux choisir que les dossiers locaux pour la synchronisation, pas d'accès possible aux autres comptes mails que j'ai créé ni à leurs dossiers.

en tout cas bravo pour ton programme, enfin une alternative pour les anti-outlook!!

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Post by Birdy »

Si cela ne pose pas de problème je préferre continuer en anglais pour les autres utilisateurs. Ou alors nous ouvrons un autre thread. :)

OK I think I understand now. Are you taking about POP accounts which don't store mails in local folders or IMAP accounts ?

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Post by tompouce »

yep, pop acounts but even hotmail accounts,( in http i think)...
I have 2 hotmail accounts with differents folders in each one and you can synchronize them with pocket-outlook. It keeps the 2 separate accounts with their folders tree.
don't think if i make me understand :oops:

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Post by Birdy »

The problem is that I am not sure that Thunderbird can manage Hotmail specific protocol. But I know there is a plugin for that. Do you succeed in getting Hotmail mails in Thunderbird ?

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Post by tompouce »

well yes with webmail and hotmail, gmail and other extensions..
and yes i think thunderbird don't handle hotmail accounts

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Post by tompouce »

another trick can be used with message filter possibilities of thunderbird.
you can automatically copy incoming messages from an account to a folder, so make a local hotmail folder, a local pop folder and make filters to copy specified incoming mails in it... and then synchronize folders

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Post by Bing »

not only with webmail...

I have various pop account. Every POP account have his folder (send mail, received mail, trash, draft)...
In "generic" folder I have only mail I sent to newsgroup.... so, birdiesynch synchronize only this mail...

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Post by Birdy »

OK I think I understand. It is true that for the moment, BirdieSync only synchronizes the default "Local Folders" (with its Inbox, Send, folders, etc.) If you define another independent tree structure for your account (Inbox, Sent, etc.) it cannot be synchronized.

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Post by Bing »

Birdy wrote:OK I think I understand. It is true that for the moment, BirdieSync only synchronizes the default "Local Folders" (with its Inbox, Send, folders, etc.) If you define another independent tree structure for your account (Inbox, Sent, etc.) it cannot be synchronized.

Can you work on it?

Thanks :)

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Post by tompouce »

Maybe i'm wrong but i think hotmail accounts with webmail are "transformed" in local POP accounts.
So synchronizing POP independent tree structure would be GREAT!
Thank you

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Post by SittigSuperstar »

is birdie snchronising the outbox folder, so that i can write email on ppc and synchronise them with pc, who sends them after synchro??


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Post by Heavenwalker »

I want to thank you for your great Support Birdie.

The Mail Synch is great, but when you have what you want and can test this you´re able to see what you need.

I had told you about my big mail archiv, so I need an option to say, synch only the mails of the last 14 days.

and it would be nice, if birdiesync are able to synch subfolders of the inbox, i don´t want to place every folder in my root.


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Post by Birdy »

The version allows you to choose a 2 weeks period to not synchronize all your mails. Regarding the sub-folders, you'll have to be more patient... :wink:

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