Is SeaMonkey Support Possible?

If you dream about having BirdieSync casting your horoscope, this is the place to ask for it...
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Is SeaMonkey Support Possible?

Post by jtek »

About a year ago, I had submitted a wish request for SeaMonkey support to which you graciously agreed to do some research into this. Due to finishing my degree program and other life distractions, I was unable to follow-up on this and am doing so now. I would be very pleased to hear that Birdiesync could support SeaMonkey but I have a feeling it will not be happening since the latest version does not. I have used Thunderbird and find it to be a good e-mail program but prefer the integrated suite approach and I have found SeaMonkey to perform better on my laptop. I wish SeaMonkey had not dropped the browser only mode installation as it would have made things simpler for me.

I had stopped using my PDA since the battery no longer held a charge. I recently bought a replacement and need to sync my data again. It would be nice to be able to do this with SeaMonkey. No worries as I am only following up on this request. Having been added to the SM council recently, I am feeling locked in to decisions although I should not be. :oops:

Please provide an update - that is all I need so I can determine what I need to do on my end.

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Re: Is SeaMonkey Support Possible?

Post by TimTDP »

Why the interrest now after one year? If you have lived without it for year, my guess is it not a requirment :?:

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Re: Is SeaMonkey Support Possible?

Post by jtek »

TimTDP wrote:Why the interrest now after one year? If you have lived without it for year, my guess is it not a requirment :?:
As I mentioned, life events did not afford me time to follow-up on this. The fact that it remained in my thoughts during this time should indicated its importance to me personally. I realize that SeaMonkey is not a popular browser but it seems to me that under the hood is a lot closer to FF and TB than it was in the past. I will state that I am not a developer so my perceptions are based on simplicities such as this.

A response was never provided by the developer - I believe one should be. I also mentioned that I am a member of the SeaMonkey Council now and is also a reason for my follow-up. One of the main concerns is the lack of extension and developer support and Birdiesync was on my list of potentials.

The best thing for me to do is ditch the PDA and get a Blackberry - two devices in one. Financially, this is not possible. While in my degree program, my laptop was with me at all times so it served as an over-sized PDA. Now that I have graduated, this is not the case. The logical solution is to resurrect my PDA since I already have it and in a way, I did not fully give it up.

When my PDA battery gave out, I immediately switched back to SeaMonkey. I prefer the integrated suite - personal preference. I could use SM and Sunbird, but would not have the ability to sync my contacts. Or, I could use Outlook which is part of the MS Office package I am using. People should have choices - not be locked into using certain programs because that is all that is supported.

So, to summarize - I never fully gave up the PDA mentality and recent events have shown me that I still require its assistance - mainly with having contacts at my fingertips. I would prefer to have a choice in my browsing software, but do not at this time. Yes, I have a choice to make. :|

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Re: Is SeaMonkey Support Possible?

Post by Birdy »

Yes, it's true that SeaMonkey is close to Thunderbird. Actually it would be necessary to do some modifications in BirdieSync to make it more independent from Thunderbird and allow the synchronization of similar products like SeaMonkey. As usual, it's a matter of time. There are a lot of new features that would be great to implement and time is not extensible... :) So I cannot tell you when it will be possible even it may be in the future.

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Re: Is SeaMonkey Support Possible?

Post by jtek »

Hello Birdy and thanks for the update/reply.

No worries and I appreciate you looking into this. It almost sounds like you would have to have two versions of BirdieSync which would be a hassle I am sure. I am finding that other things need to be made compatible with SeaMonkey for all this to work - mainly the More Functions for Address Book extension. I do not have an issue using Thunderbird - in many ways I like it better than SeaMonkey mail. It is the browser that gives me grief. Firefox uses a lot of resources, Chrome hasn't caught my attention, and Opera has a display issue on my system due to the high resolution. And IE is not an option for me. I tried a Firefox alternative called Pale Moon but for some reason it is having a conflict with my security software. Ugh...

Okay, I am off topic here. Thank you again for the update and keep doing what you are doing - I would rather see you focus on the new features. The needs of the many... :D

Take care and I look forward to future updates and I will put this to rest. Unless you bring it up, I will not mention this again. :wink:

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Re: Is SeaMonkey Support Possible?

Post by zohaa3492 »

An idea for Android: also sync the color of the Lightning's calendar, so one can visually distinguish events from separate calendars. E.g. I have a local private calendar and a company calendar pulled in via CalDAV into Lightning. Both are now synced to the mobile device.

I know there are apps to change the color, but the ability to automatically match the colors set in Lightning would be nice.

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